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Some of Our Success Stories
Tom Bartholomew
"I highly recommend Helen DeVries as a QuickBooks and Business coach. Her clear and concise communication, combined with her comprehensive understanding of the software, ensured a smooth setup process. Helen's professional and approachable demeanor made her easy to work with, and her coaching skills significantly increased my confidence in managing my business finances. In summary, Helen is an exceptional coach who delivers efficient and effective results."
Brett Christiansen
Christiansen PLLC
"Helen DeVries from Roof For Profits, LLC is the referral source that I have been searching for since 2009. She is the perfect accounting professional to assist new businesses, small or large, with the setting up an accounting system; helping existing businesses review and revise tier current accounting systems; and can perform the bookkeeping services for as long as you need her. She can be your "Accountant on Call". Knowledgeable, Reliable & A Trusted Advisor."
Scotty Mathis
"Helen is extremely professional and all about helping the other person first before she helps herself. The first time I met Helen she spent 45 minutes on the phone helping Me understand and grow My business without Me providing anything to her or for her. I was so impressed with her Giving Servant attitude. She is a Great one."
Mike Rives
Wimar Performance Coatings
"I highly recommend that any roofer in need of assistance with accounting, profits, automation, or company setup reach out to Helen! She is easy to work with and will make sure you are taken care of. "