Birds Eye View: Calculating the Costs

Do you actually know how much it costs to run your business? Do you know how much Money you are "Losing" every time you write a proposal? Our Comprehensive "Calculating the Cost" Course will give all the tools you need to accurately cost your jobs, Insurance, taxes, payroll and bring all your numbers together to total your Profit & Loss. All in one "Birds Eye View."


Welcome to our comprehensive training on 9 templates to gaining a "Birds Eye View" of your business. 

Our "Calculating the Costs" Training Program is a Quick and Easy, Plug-And-Play System! Your Course templates and videos include calculating: 

  • Labor Burdens
  • Payroll Expenses
  • Health Insurance
  • Vehicle Costs
  • Other "Fringe" benefits
  • Estimates & Actuals
  • Salesmans Commissions Profits
  • Business Overhead
  • Profit & Loss Overview

Get to Know yor Numbers so that you can

Build a Profit!


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